Ongoing studies

Contenu de l'article

  • List of studies and scientific briefings



 ● The national radioactive materials and waste management plan (2019-2023)

Assessment, provided for by law (III of Article L. 542-1-2 of the Environmental Code)

Rapporteurs: Ms. Émilie Cariou, MP and Mr. Bruno Sido, Senator

● Open science and its challenges: sharing data and research results freely

Referral: Chairman of the Culture, Education and Communication Committee, Mr. Laurent Lafon

Rapporteurs: Mr. Pierre Henriet, MP, Mr. Pierre Ouzoulias, Senator, and Ms. Laure Darcos, Senator

● Interactions between air pollution, greenhouse gases and the Covid-19 epidemic

Joint referral: Chair of the Sustainable Development, Public Works and Regional Planning Committee, Ms. Laurence Maillart-Méhaignerie, and Chair of the Social Affairs Committee, Ms. Fadila Khattabi

Rapporteurs: Mr. Jean-Luc Fugit, MP, and Ms. Angèle Préville, Senator


● Video conferencing tools

Rapporteur: Mr. Ronan Le Gleut, Senator

● Neurotechnologies

Rapporteur: Mr. Patrick Hetzel, MP

● Biomimicry

Rapporteur: Ms. Huguette Tiegna, MP

● Widespread psychosocial risks and mental health disorders of workers in Covid-19 situations

Rapporteurs: Mr. Pierre Ouzoulias, Senator, and Ms. Michelle Meunier, Senator

 DNA data storage

Rapporteur: Mr. Ludovic Haye, Senator

● Decline of insects

Rapporteur: Ms. Annick Jacquemet, Senator

● Intestinal microbiota

Rapporteur: Mr. Philippe Bolo, MP

● Impact of ultra-processed food on human health

Rapporteur: Ms. Angèle Préville, Senator